
Joining GSAC

GSAC is a great way to get involved with your fellow Chemical Engineering graduate students and have a voice in the department. We put on many events throughout the year geared towards providing a better sense of community within the department. We also meet regularly with the department's Graduate Advisor and Vice Chair for Graduate Education to discuss department updates and concerns. Some of the events we plan and run include monthly ChemE kegs (with tons of beer, grillables, and snacks), student-invited "Science and Society" speaker series, some industry relations for graduate students (i.e. industry panels, info sessions, etc.), department holiday party, end-of-year graduation party, support in planning recruitment weekends, occasional community outreach and more.

There is no barrier to being a part of GSAC, and you may come and go as you please. GSAC has several elected officer positions to ensure everything happens as intended, but in general there are no expectations and we like to say that all grad students in the department are already part of GSAC.

To actively participate in GSAC, the first step is to join the listserv. You can sign up by logging into your bConnected account. Select bConnected Lists (Google Groups) and search for "gsac." Then submit a request to join (you will need a email address). We use Slack for most of our communications, but schedule meetings and send important announcements via the listserv.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering grad students can also attend any of our meetings (free snacks) - see the GSAC calendar for any upcoming meetings.