Street Parking Permits
Depending on where in Berkeley you live, you may need to purchase a street parking permit in order to keep a car on the street. A map of the parking zones is available here.
Annual Permits
Permits cost $55 per year, with the permit year running from July 1st to the following June 30th. Permits can be obtained at the city of Berkeley's Finance Customer Service Center, at 1947 Center Street (building across from Civic Center Park). Go into the main entrance of the building, up a short flight of stairs, and immediately turn left. Your car must be registered in the City of Berkeley in order to be granted a parking permit. You can register your car at the DMV. Don't bother to apply for a parking permit until at least 24 hours after you register your car; otherwise your registration won't have gone through the computer system yet and the cashier won't be able to issue you a permit. For more information about annual parking permits, visit the City of Berkeley's Transportation website.
Guest Permits
If you have an annual permit, and need to park an extra car in your neighborhood for a day, you can get your guest a 1-day permit for $2.75. Guest permits for 14 consecutive days are also available, for $28.50. In order to pick up guest passes, you must present a California Driver's License, a copy of your lease or utility bill, or some other proof of your Berkeley residency.